
The sweetest alive

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Getting ready


Once again the Christmas season is upon us.  Husband and I went to do a little shopping yesterday.  Which was nice because I usually do it alone.  It is cold, with a windy chill today.  At least the sun is shining.  In the past month, my husbands father passed away suddenly.  We are sad to lose him.  But so thankful that he died doing things on the farm which he loved.  He appears to have sat down on the woodpile he was throwing into the basement, and went to sleep.  If we could all choose, would we not choose to just lie down and go to sleep?  So that was comforting to all his children.  It was so good to see so many old friends.  The line for visitation started at 5:30 and ended at 10:15 pm.  At one time the line was out of the funeral home and onto the drive outside.   He was well liked in the community.  He is the next to youngest of thirteen children.  Only his younger sister is left living.  She had a very hard time at the funeral because she is left alone.  But not really because she has her children who live close.  
   So now, I am rushing as usual to finish up my last minute Christmas sewing projects ( which I started last July).   Husband is out cutting down the asparagus and mulching it for the winter.   He is also putting up the storm windows on the east side of the house.   I am warm inside at the sewing machine.
The pictures are of the two of the four hats I knit for gifts.  The other is of the Stocking I made for each family member (Child and grandchildren) that I put out each Christmas.  I enjoy having each of them out whether we get to see them or not.   Enjoy and try to enjoy the season and the opportunity to be with family and close friends.  Remember to stop to thank God for the reason we celebrate and for the many blessings we have in this country.  God Bless, thanks for stopping by.